CTV News Vancouver Island recently spent time with members of Nanaimo's 'community safety officer program,' which has been up and running since October.
CTV News Vancouver Island recently spent time with members of Nanaimo's "community safety officer program," which has been up and running since October.
Community safety officer Tabitha McPhail and program supervisor Barry Hornby have been on the job for about five months now, and the workload isn't light."It's not just an easy 'show up nine to five,'" said McPhail. "People are seeing us and they know us by first name and call out, and they ask us for help," said McPhail."It's a community and we are out there to help people," said Hornby. "We are all citizens and [we want to] make sure everybody's safe."
"It starts with sometimes cleaning your area and being proud of that, and then moving through that," said McPhail.