The results of 440,000 Covid patients don’t lie: Inequality in SA is deadly. Find out why here via Bhekisisa_MG.
such as age, sex and race, and risk factors for falling seriously ill with Covid, such as age, obesity, diabetes and hypertension. We compared the data to the type of treatment someone received and the outcome thereof.
Black Africans admitted to public hospitals had a lower chance than white people of getting an ICU bed or being ventilated — despite having a higher risk of dying;Of patients who died of Covid in hospital, 10% in the public sector were treated in ICU, compared to 60% in the private sector.What do these results mean and tell us about SA?We argue that a legacy of long-standing inequalities has resulted in structural discrimination and exclusion to health care based on race.
. Your salary is, of course, also closely related to the type of job you do, which in turn, determines how exposed you are to contracting an airborne virus such as SARS-CoV-2.10% of black Africans have medical aid, 17% of coloureds, 52% of Indians and 73% of whitesSA National Blood Service data shows