Indigenous population hits 1.8M, growing at twice rate of non-Indigenous Canadians: census | CBC News
The 2021 census also found that 3.2 per cent of Indigenous children in Canada were in foster care compared to just 0.2 per cent of non-Indigenous children in Canada.
In total, Indigenous children accounted for more than half of all children in foster care, at 53.8 per cent, despite representing only 7.7 per cent of children 14 and under in Canada. Despite the federal government's efforts to reduce the over-representation of Indigenous children and youth in foster care, the number of Indigenous children in foster care remains almost unchanged from 2016.There were 624,220 Métis living in Canada, up 6.3 per cent from 2016.There were 801,045 Indigenous people living in large urban centres, up 12.5 per cent from 2016 to 2021.
Almost one in five Indigenous people in Canada lived in a low-income household. This was down nearly 10 percentage points from 2016, but the decline was likely driven by government transfers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Statistics Canada.Peter Zimonjic is a senior writer for CBC News. He has worked as a reporter and columnist in London, England, for the Daily Mail, Sunday Times and Daily Telegraph and in Canada for Sun Media and the Ottawa Citizen.