Everyone can benefit from embracing their creative feminine if we enable women to create
Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.t’s an interesting question but also a very problematic and annoying question,” Kgethi Phakeng, former University of Cape Town vice-chancellor, said when I asked her to respond to the title of this column.
I know this issue is controversial, and maybe a man shouldn’t be writing this. But I’m a man, and this is my column, with my picture on it, so there you go. I get the irony. I promise not to mansplain. Women excel at thinking differently to generate novel solutions to problems — one of the most basic ways to define creativity. Given the right context, women blow men out of the creative water.
But should this have been shocking? Creativity requires being tuned in to the flow of the universe. It demands empathy. It thrives in a culture of collaboration, communication and emotional intelligence. And let’s be honest, my fellow fellows, women are better at all of that. Relationships before results. People ahead of product. Society often diminishes this value. Feats of Big-C Creativity can require an unflagging devotion that comes into conflict with personal life. For women, personal life wins more often than not.showed that attention to traditional roles such as wife and mother squeezes the time women can devote to creative work and suppresses their interest in focusing on it.