Older adults represent New York City’s “fastest growing demographic.” Councilmember Crystal Hudson, AARP, and other electeds joined forces to introduce bills that will help senior tenants age in place on Sept 7.
Councilmember Crystal Hudson, The American Association of Retired Persons , and other electeds joined forces to introduce bills that will help senior tenants age in place on Sept 7.
At least 23 out of the 55 census defined neighborhoods citywide have a majority immigrant older adult population, said Hudson. She added that older New Yorkers, ages 50+, generally want to age in their homes and neighborhoods rather than institutional settings. “This desire to age in place combined with increasing rates of poverty, social isolation, limited access to high speed internet and limited English proficiency leave many older adults disconnected from city services,” said Hudson in a
. “This is especially true for immigrant communities and older adults of color who comprise a steadily growing proportion of the city’s older adult population.”Hudson’s legislative package is made up of three bills aimed at letting seniors age in place in the city comfortably and increases awareness about city programs for them, like home-delivered meals programs or older adult day clubs.
The first bill requires DFTA to create a “know your rights” education campaign for older adults to inform them of agencies and community-based organizations with relevant senior services. The second bill expands linguistic and cultural programs at older adult centers. And the final bill expands on current tenant housing laws to include any resident over the age of 60 that’s facing eviction in housing court to get full legal representation at no cost.