The creators of EveryOutfitonSATC on Carrie, the clothes, and Che Diaz
Breaking Bad.But it has value. It’s escapist. I enjoy it. And I do think that if anyone is obsessively watching something, whether they’re hate-watching it or not, you are a fan of that show. You like the show. If you didn’t like it, you wouldn’t watch it.One quibble people have withis the sense that the women crawled out from under a rock and are aggressively confronted by woke culture at every turn.It would make a little more sense if they were suburban women, but New Yorkers...
At the same time, I can see their intent was to make a more diverse, inclusive show.. Do you think any of those people are functioning best in that fourth seat, or is it irreplaceable?And just elevate Anthony, who also has a Samantha-esque perspective. She would be the one cracking the jokes about how politically correct everyone suddenly is. That has become Anthony.