What options are available to save lives when a ship sinks? 🚢 engineering
throughout the ages. Whether by a tragic accident, bad weather, aggressive action during a battle, piracy or other reasons. Countless people have also perished after being lucky enough to escape a sinking ship only to drown, or die of exposure, or from predation by sharks.
For this reason, try to remain calm and breathe. Look to your own and your family's well-being before helping anyone else. , the lowest parts of the ship will begin to flood first. Get up to the deck as quickly as possible. If you become disoriented, take a moment to calm yourself. If present, you may be able to follow rats to guide you. They are known to have an innate ability to escape danger when a ship is going down.
The guidelines of the International Maritime Organization requires that all cruise ships be able to get passengers lowered into the ocean in lifeboats within 30 minutes of passengers being gathered on deck. , most in their early-30s, whose powerful survival instincts and fitness allowed them to respond more rapidly to get to safety. If, however, you find yourself in the water without a lifeboat, you will want to find anything that floats to cling on to. This is especially true if the water is very cold, as your body will quickly go into a state of shock, making treading water very difficult in a fairly short period of time.
Escaping submariners need to make a beeline for these chambers, equalize the pressure inside them, and then open the hatch to make a break for the surface.