Henry Cavill is back as Superman, giving DC a chance to do better with the character – this is what we'd like to see from a Man of Steel sequel.
I've got a pitch for you, DC! Well, it's less of a pitch and more a series of opinions on what would make a great new Superman movie for the current times, would improve on where Cavill's previous movies went wrong, and that dive into the character's heritage. And I've got three great directors in mind to make the movie, too. Superman is a character we can probably stop over-complicating with internal moral conflicts as hispoint.
And crucial to then making a Boy Scout version of Superman work is letting Cavill be funny and confident – to the point of being slightly arrogant. It works so well for Reeve because you believe so strongly in his morals that his slightly arrogant edge comes across as, well, bulletproof rather than edgy. It's justified arrogance, like the world's best footballers stepping up to take a penalty – you don't begrudge them for it, because it's fair.
You'll believe a man can be a good dude in a hard world without being a resentful and distant demi-god.Whenever the chance of a fresh start for Superman comes up, there's often a call to do All Star Superman – a beloved comic series . I don't think that's a good idea – All Star Superman is A Lot. A huge amount happens, it's full of vignettes, and it concerns Superman facing his own death, which feels like retreading what we've already covered.
As for the main threat, I'd love to see less of the world-threatening dangers and a return to situations that are simply bigger than Superman alone can handle, even with super-powers. I'd like to see an adaptation of Action Comics #23, which was Lex Luthor's first appearance.