But the latter still works if you’re in a pinch.
, especially now with COVID-19 floating around, it’s time to break out the soap and get scrubbing. But something that’s not as clear is whether you should stock up on hand sanitizer, or even make your own if the Amazon prices are giving you heartburn.
So, what do the experts recommend? Wash your hands whenever possible, and if you can’t get to a sink, sanitizer is good, too . Here’s the breakdown of why soap comes first, and why sanitizer has its pros and cons.Hand sanitizer is essentially isopropyl alcohol, plus gel, plus fun-smelling essential oils if you’re so inclined.
The way sanitizer works is primarily through the power of alcohol. Alcohol can “murder” many types of bacteria and viruses by, rendering them unable to take over a host. This isn’t effective with viruses with a hard outer shell, like norovirus. Still, in a pinch, it’ll keep you protected from a lot of the invisible gunk you might pick up on mass transportation or a public restroom.Soap works a little differently.