In a country where many have driver’s licences but no e-mail address an inefficient postal service would ‘bring down the system before it starts’ Moneyweb Aarto SouthAfrica
The government will be able to introduce a driving licence demerit points system despite the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act and the Aarto Amendment Act being declared unconstitutional and invalid in a judgment handed down in the Pretoria High Court last week. Read: Aarto and Aarto Amendment acts declared unconstitutional Both the Automobile Association and the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse are of this view.
“You can’t have people being affected by inefficient systems, not because they were inefficient but because the state did not cater for everybody in this space. That is the problem. “Bear in mind that we are not a connected country. We are not Australia. “We have a lot of poor people who drive cars, who need licences but do not have an internet account or email addresses,” said Duvenage. “Cater for them.