Canadians should be alarmed about how many business opportunities will be lost because Prime Minister Justin Trudeau thinks of Canada’s oil and gas sector…
Ditto the inaccurate impression created by his environment ministers since 2015 that Canada’s oil and gas sector is on the way out because of Trudeau’s carbon pricing policies to fight climate change.Sign up to receive daily headline news from the Ottawa SUN, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.By clicking on the sign up button you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc. You may unsubscribe any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails.
The Financial Post recently reported that according to a Royal Bank of Canada analysis, the oil and gas sector will pay $48 billion this year in taxes and royalties to Canadian governments, $64 billion next year. This while taking advantage of the fact the G7 nations, including Canada, and the European Union, classify natural gas as a transitional form of green energy, particularly when it replaces coal to generate electricity.
Trudeau said the business case for shipping natural gas directly from Canada to Germany is weak because of the lack of pipelines and LNG conversion plants needed to move it from Western Canada to the East Coast and from there onto ocean-going tankers headed to Europe.