Geoff Johns Is Returning To Aquaman, But It's Not How You Thiiiink geoffjohns aquaman dccomics
\n to their rightful times and places, and that reality would rewrite itself back around them. One of them was The Golden Age Aquaman. Well, it looks like he will be making his first actual appearance in the upcoming The New Golden Age one-shot by Geoff Johns, returning to the Aquaman – just a very different one. Maybe.\n\nAquaman was a member of the Justice League, but not the Justice Society, he was too minor a character for them,. just a back-up strip in More Fun Comics.
\n\nThe Aquaverse tells us 'In just 2 weeks DC will be publishing new WHO'S WHO IN THE DCU pages for the first time in 20 years! THE NEW GOLDEN AGE #1 will have 13 all-new entries that 'fell out' of the original series including the Golden Age Aquaman by Geoff Johns with art by Jerry Ordway!'\n\nNEW GOLDEN AGE #1 CVR A MIKEL JANIN\n Geoff Johns Steve Lieber, Jerry Ordway, Diego Olortegui Mikel Janin\nFrom the Justice Society of America to the Legion of Super-Heroes, The New...