Generous New Yorkers are helping migrants prepare for winter, donating coats, blankets and more to help the new residents, many from countries with warmer climates, adjust to the cold. DaveCarlinTV reports.
prepare for winter, donating coats, blankets and more to help the new residents, many from countries with warmer climates, adjust to the cold.
"I feel better having some kind of positive statement about the situation, because we want to welcome them," Shodell said. Many of the donations you might expect, but some that are a little different, like a crib, and a sewing machine."We've had people come from Queens and elsewhere.. eager to help all of these asylum-seekers," Rosenthal said. Gov.
"They started coming more and more," Daniels said."Because they need the help. Everybody needs help.""There is a need for more Spanish-speaking personnel in schools. More Spanish speakers and social workers," Rosenthal said.