Paediatrician Dr Tim de Maayer, who penned an open letter highlighting the poor state of Rahima Moosa hospital in Johannesburg, has been suspended. | nickymccain
Paediatrician Dr Tim de Maayer wrote an open letter to the Gauteng health department, stating that the"horrendous conditions in our public hospitals" contribute to children's deaths.But on Thursday, De Maayer was placed on precautionary suspension by the Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital in Johannesburg, where he works, said Gauteng Health MEC Nomathemba Mokgethi.
Some of the concerns raised by De Maayer in his letter included that generators were inadequately sized to supply the hospital during load shedding, water cuts that led to the spread of infections, and the shocking state of toilets at the hospital. Over the last decade, the hospital has seen the second highest increase in patient load in the country, with no increase in infrastructure development.