Roadworks are causing problems
Shoppers were “backed up” to level seven in Trinity Leeds Shopping Centre, in Swinegate on Thursday. Taking to social media, a shopping centre spokesman said the queues were “beyond our control” and blamed roadworks across the city centre.
There are a number of roadworks in the city centre in preparation for City Square’s permanent closure to traffic in February 2023. Through traffic is being diverted away from the area, therefore, traffic travelling north into the city is in place along Neville Street, Bishopgate Street and Swinegate.Leeds City Council has previously said that the work will help create a "world-class gateway to the city centre" and will transform City Square into a "more people-first environment.
As a result of the road works, there has been “high levels of traffic” affecting the city centre. The statement from the multi-story carpark said: “Please note that we are currently experiencing extremely high levels of traffic trying to exit the car park and it’s currently backed up to level 7. "This is due to city centre roadworks that are beyond our control. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.”
Drivers were quick to share their thoughts on the matter with some calling the city “a joke.” Joanne Lumley said: “Always parked in here, but no more took over an hour to exit from level 4 other Sunday. Problem is the new system not been able to go round city square in front of Queens hotel. It’s a shambles.”However, others suggested people to use the Park and Ride service to avoid being stuck in traffic.