Make family time all the more special with these ideas and activities. Read more at
Learn: Shadow puppet play
As your kids tap on the screen or click the mouse, they can hear the sound of each instrument played by the gamelan ensemble and find out what goes on behind the cloth screen in a wayang kulit show.Join the fun at Nearly a fifth of the manga titles were donated by Japanese publisher Shogakukan Asia, with more to be contributed in the future.
Fun fact: Captain V was originally a mascot for the Singapore Police Force’s National Crime Prevention Programme, and was eventually immortalised in comic form fighting against Dr Evil.Follow Aloysius in the book Our Singapore River, as he realises the important role the locale played as a port settlement for more than 150 years. PHOTO: WORLD SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION
Written by Tina Sim and illustrated by Alan Bay, Our Singapore River is the first comic book in the Time Travel, Singapore! series.