Fortuna Silver provides updated resource for Sunbird deposit at Séguéla gold project. mining miningnews
This upgraded mineral resource estimate incorporates an additional 41 diamond and reverse circulation drill holes totalling 14,520 metres to the initial inferred mineral resource, all of which were drilled by Fortuna this year.
Recent drilling has also shown that the two main high-grade ore shoots, which previously were modelled as separate shoots, are part of a continuous lode with a strike length of at least 700 metres, further reinforcing the potential for underground mining at Sunbird. “Additionally, drilling has also confirmed the continuity of mineralization between the central and southern high-grade shoots, with intersections such as drill hole SGDD106 intersecting 6.5 g/t gold over a true width of 15.4 metres.”
Reconnaissance reverse circulation drilling near the Séguéla processing plant has resulted in the discovery of two new prosects at Barana and Badior, in addition to the high-grade results from Kestrel. Given the encouraging intersections, follow-up drilling is also expected in these areas beginning in early 2023.