Julian Raven has filed a new suit against National Portrait Gallery director, Kim Sajet. Raven’s complaint? Sajet, he says, has blocked him on Twitter.
unusual and bitter feud with Sajet
, who phoned Raven in 2016 to inform him that his 16-foot-long painting of Trump, which depicted the Republican with a meteor for hair alongside an eagle and a globe denuded of all continents but North America, was, in her words, “no good.” Raven filed suit against the Smithsonian, claiming it had not subjected his painting to a proper review. He further honed in on Sajet’s Twitter account, saying she’d violated the Hatch Act by tweeting about the 2017 Women’s March in DC on the gallery director’s official Twitter account, content from which was later retro-migrated to Sajet’sRaven’s Hatch Act complaint failed with the US Office of Special Counsel, as did his legal case in federal court.