Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the best game in the series yet, with crisp visuals, addictive gameplay, and emotional moments.
would have to offer – and to say I was blown away would be an understatement.I have been a die-hard fan ofreleased, I was quite critical of the game, mechanics, and narrative changes. I wasn’t prepared to see a story I knew front-to-back modernized. I wasn’t sure how I felt about changes to certain characters and their personalities. I’m very glad I struggled with these elements, as it has allowed me to appreciate theThe first thing I noticed when starting this demo was how beautiful.
However, what staggered me, was the way the development team at Square Enix integrated critical moments of narrative with actual game mechanics. The low, anxious pulse heartbeat audio accompanied by the slow, manual turning of a valve using the bumpers on the PS5 controller, the way Cloud slowly stumbles out into the burning town after Sephiroth loses his mind, create a complex atmosphere.