This comes as the unemployment rate fell and the economy bounced back after the Covid-19 pandemic eased. Read more at
- Significantly fewer families received financial aid from the Government in the past year, as the unemployment rate fell and the economy bounced back after the Covid-19 pandemic eased.
The MSF said the fall in the number of families receiving ComCare aid was mainly due to the fall in the number of families on the Short-to-Medium-Term Assistance scheme, which provides temporary financial aid and other forms of help to tide recipients over tough times as they are looking for a job or are ill, among other reasons.
While fewer households received ComCare aid, families got a larger sum of cash aid, on average, in the last financial year, compared with previous years. And in response to inflation, all new recipients on the SMTA scheme between April and September 2022 received at least six months of aid. Those who had their aid under the scheme renewed during the same period received at least three additional months of aid.