By waiting to turn your central heating on, you could save a large amount of money on your energy bills
As we move into the winter period, many Brits are concerned about how much their energy bills will be when they switch their heating on.
“Keeping your curtains closed, or investing in a thermal curtain lining can likewise help to prevent warm air from escaping - this trick alone can reduce heat loss by up to 25%. Upgrading your thermostat can also lead to improved accuracy in thermostat-to-boiler communication, preventing energy from being wasted and saving more money.
Soft furnishings Soft furnishing - such as curtains and rugs - can help boost insulation. However, for homes that have hard flooring, a good-quality rug can still help prevent heat from escaping. Check radiator cover If you use a radiator cover, ensure that it is a good conductor of heat. Radiator covers made from poor-quality materials such as wood can prevent heat from being dispersed effectively.