China’s Covid quarantines, lockdowns and prolonged school closures have turned a once-coveted assignment into a hardship posting for Western companies and embassies
and the prospect of extended school closures have made a China posting prohibitive for many, especially those with children.
In one example, Brazil’s consulate in Shanghai is set to shrink to two diplomats next year, from a regular staffing level of five, as a result of scheduled departures and a lack of diplomats willing to move to China. Meanwhile, the number of Brazilian support staff—nondiplomats usually drawn from the local pool of expatriates—is expected to fall to zero from the usual seven, according to a Brazilian diplomatic cable seen by The Wall Street Journal.
To make assignments in China more attractive, the State Department has recently reduced the typical length of assignment for diplomats in the country to two years from three, and raised the additional compensation rate for all posts in China, the official said.