Kareem Aly was on the northbound N train when the alleged shooter, Frank R. James, donned a gas mask, set off smoke canisters and opened fire.
--Sheila Hutson, District Customer Service Manager--Chantay Adams, Group Station Superintendent--Peter Stone, Train Service Supervisor--Annie Morrison, Digital Communications, Staff Analyst II, Digital Communications UnitArtis and Haynes were the N train crew members who helped passengers to evacuate the Manhattan-bound train at the 36th Street station.
Hutson, Lanfair, Hernandez, and Adams were station management team members who, upon notification of the incident, immediately made their way to 25t Street and then 36th Street to evaluate the situation. They provided support to MTA workers at the two stations and coordinated customer service to assist riders whose journeys were impacted by the incident. They also aided law enforcement by placing blue tarping around the station to allow the investigation to proceed securely.