With the ever-rising cost we pay for the non-existing electricity we get, more South Africans are now seeking alternative energy sources:
In the world of clean and sustainable energy, solar power is often touted as the future. This is particularly true in Africa where infrastructure and reliability are challenging and sun exposure is plentiful. But there has always been a hitch: cost.
“We are very close to a scenario where renewables will not only be the best environmental option but the more economical one as well.”Gauteng and Cape Town-based Versofy Solar, a trailblazer in the South African solar industry, burst into the sector in 2021 with the aim of solving the pain points for potential solar customers to help drive a widespread uptake of clean solar energy.
“This approach not only allows a wider range of people to gain access to the service but also removes the cost of ownership required to maintain the product,” says Mains-Sheard. “Another huge benefit to subscriptions is that it allows the end user to constantly have access to the latest and greatest technology.”