, Eskom_SA CEO AndrédeRuyter and board chair Professor MalegapuruMakgoba have invited local and international energy experts to an “electricity crisis roundtable” . Moneyweb Eskom LoadShedding
In an apparent effort to take the lead in ending the increasing and economically devastating load shedding, Eskom CEO André de Ruyter and board chair Professor Malegapuru Makgoba have invited local and international energy experts to an “electricity crisis roundtable” later this month. They will present a proposal developed internally and approved by the board last month at this, the first in a series of events that will also include engagement with intensive users and funders.
The DMRE’s emergency procurement programme to procure 2 000MW of additional generation capacity, launched in August 2020, has been fraught with problems; only projects of just 150MW have been able to sign power purchase agreements, which is an important step towards financial close. De Ruyter’s statements about additional power have prompted Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe to warn him to “stay in his lane”.