In April 2022, Eyewitness News told the story of Gibson Nzimande, then a 34-year-old honour’s graduate who was living on the streets of Sandton, recycling waste to make enough money to survive. On Thursday, he is graduating with a Master’s degree in history.
JOHANNESBURG - Gibson Nzimande will finally complete his dream of becoming a Master of Arts graduate on Thursday.
Nzimande kept his certificates in a small bag buried deep inside his trolley sack, along with a diary to stay organised, hoping that one day he would be able to obtain his master’s degree. But he was able to overcome his past through counselling from UJ’s psychological centre, PsyCaD, and support from student residence at Urban Circle.
Roussouw also praised Nzimande as a self-starter. After finding out that he was recycling in Johannesburg in the last year and a bit, Urban Circle decided to help Nzimande formalise a recycling programme at their student residences so that he can earn some money in a safer environment.NZIMANDE’S STORY IS NOT UNIQUE