The boat drifted toward a pipe when watchstanders issued an urgent broadcast.
GALVESTON, Texas -- A dolphin sightseeing boat lost its steering ability with 33 people aboard in Galveston on Saturday, according to the U.S. Coast Guard.
The rescue happened at about 11 a.m. after a call from the boat captain. The boat, called Baywatch Too, drifted towards a pipe in a high trafficked area near Seawolf Park. Watchstanders issued an urgent broadcast and directed the launch of a Coast Guard Station Response Boat. The boat crew of the Auxilliary 6-8 arrived on the scene to assist. They successfully placed the boat in tow and transported it and the passengers to Pier 21.
"It is fortunate we were patrolling nearby, heard the call for help, and were able to relay communications between the Baywatch Too and the Coast Guard command center," said Greg Hoffnung, coxswain of the Auxiliary Flotilla 6-8 boat crew."We recommend that all boaters keep a listening watch on channel 16 so they can support fellow mariners in distress, especially during such a busy holiday weekend.