Before you give your money to help victims in Ukraine, you need to make sure your money will go where you intend.
PHILADELPHIA -- As people watch the horrific images in Ukraine, they feel compelled to assist. But before you give, you need to make sure your money will go where you intend.Donations are pouring in to help Ukrainians during this crisis.
Earlier this week, students and staff at Neumann University packed over 13,000 meals to send to Ukrainian refugees in Poland. "We all want to do something. We all feel kind of helpless being here," said Megan Camp, director of Service Learning and Community Engagement. But if you are planning to give, make sure you participate in a legitimate project like the one at Neumann University."They'll set up a very similar sounding name to a charitable organization and change one letter or two or transposed letters or change the extension on a website," said Sandra Guile with theSome people are sending aid through crypto. The Ukrainian government reportedly collected over $50 million in crypto assets.
To be safe, unless you know the GoFundMe organizer, It's better to give to reputable, well-known charities you know.