'Sure, ma’am! We can fix it, ma’am!” Whether you need new soles for a pair of well-worn boots, the replacement of a tog bag zip, hand-stitching to a
“Sure, ma’am! We can fix it, ma’am!” Whether you need new soles for a pair of well-worn boots, the replacement of a tog bag zip, hand-stitching to a leather pouf, even new taps for your child’s tap shoes – at the shoe repair shop, Cobblers, in Northcliff Junction, Johannesburg, you will invariably get the “can […]
“Sure, ma’am! We can fix it, ma’am!” Whether you need new soles for a pair of well-worn boots, the replacement of a tog bag zip, hand-stitching to a leather pouf, even new taps for your child’s tap shoes – at the shoe repair shop, Cobblers,Northcliff Junction, Johannesburg, you will invariably get the “can do” answer to all your inquiries.
Rashida started out in her youth with a stint of 13 years at a motor firm in downtown Johannesburg, mainly as an invoice clerk. But she decided to quit when the couple’s second child, Fatima, was born in 1978 with a hare lip and cleft palate. She not only had to learn the art of shoe making, from scratch, but had to build up a clientele. It happened “not by advertising, but by word of mouth,” she says. She became a friend and confidante to many.