Less than a week after his funeral, Irvo Otieno’s official cause of death has just been announced following his death in police custody during an alleged mental health crisis.
Irvo Otieno died in Central State Hospital in Dinwiddie, Va, under police custody, March 6, 2023.The Virginia man who died after being held down for more than 10 minutes by deputies and hospital staff in what his family described as torture was asphyxiated, according to the state's medical examiner.
"Irvo was held down and excessively restrained to death, when he should have been provided medical help and compassion. It is tragic that yet another life has been lost to this malicious and deadly restraint technique," family attorneys Ben Crump and Mark Krudys said in a statement. Family attorneys Ben Crump and Mark Krudys released a statement Monday afternoon after being informed by the Virginia Office of the Chief Medical Examiner regarding the medical examiner’s findings.
MORE: 7 Virginia deputies, 3 hospital employees charged with murder after inmate held down for 12 minutes: Prosecutor