Carte Blanche travels to Ukraine to tell stories of life in a war in tonight's episode
In tonight’s episode ofAlso, producer Anina Peens and cameraman Pierre le Roux travel to Ukraine to tell stories of life in a war.
Finally, Claire Mawisa chats to two non-drinking former refugees who have become award-winning connoisseurs and admired winemakers., Derek Watts investigates how the stealing of police dockets has evolved and what could possibly have led to the murder of Jerobejin van Wyk. Also in Sunday night’s episode, producer Anina Peens and cameraman Pierre le Roux travel to Ukraine to tell stories of life in a war, and Claire Mawisa chats to two non-drinking former refugees who have become award-winning connoisseurs and admired winemakers.A police docket contains vital evidence in a criminal investigation. It can often mean the difference between successful prosecution or a perpetrator walking free.