New guidelines enhance net zero building practices for high density housing.
The first program, Net Zero Energy+, a third-party verified certification program for single-family homes that goes beyond energy and incorporates elements, which are indicated by the “plus”, like ventilation and air quality, home durability, preservation of natural resource and reduction of pollution, launched earlier this year in response to rising consumer interest in sustainability, along with demand from the building industry for greater progression towards sustainable measures.
“This is all about encouraging progress. All of our certification levels support incremental improvements and we’re here to support and learn from industry,” says Christenson. There is no additional cost for the core performance option; it comes standard on all Jayman Built homes, but the price rises incrementally to reflect each higher level, topping out at just under $70,000 extra for the full Net Zero Certification package.
The second Built Green initiative, the High-Density Program, relates to multi-family design and is applicable to multi-storey, residential tower and mixed use. The program launched a few years ago, but it’s just now coming to fruition as projects involved in the certification are nearing completion.