The Children's Safety Village is bringing back Halloween in the Village this year. It promises to be the safes...
The Children’s Safety Village is bringing back Halloween in the Village this year.Executive Director for the Children’s Safety Village, Bill Glisky, explained what makes the event safe.
“The nice thing for a lot of people is you don’t have to walk six or seven blocks. It’s all in a fairly contained space of a handful of blocks. So, you know, you’re in, you trick or treat, you get 13 or 14 treats and you carry on.”“ we had to have people register. They had to get a ticket so we could track how many people were coming in. We could only let so many kids in at a time because people had to be six feet apart.” Glisky says.
While a lot of the decorations for the event are targeted toward kids aged two to four, Glisky says all ages are welcome to come.