“I’d be so distracted by the neon notebooks and glittery binders while back-to-school shopping that I’d return home with a planner for myself (but will never use), a fishing license, a ‘Beaches’ DVD, a fourth bird feeder, guilt, and mental fatigue.”
, such as the ability to plan things, motivate myself, and focus — all skills that shopping for school supplies requires.the school supply lists? I tried Googling them once but turned up dubious websites. Another time, I searched for them on the school district’s Facebook page but had no luck. I did, however, succumb to a targeted ad forDriving to a Big Box retailer might be easier. Some parents have said school supply lists are posted at Walmart.
I mean, last year, my older daughter gave a poster presentation on theoretical vacation travel to the solar system’s outer planets. My younger daughter won the third-grade essay contest and built the most stable chopstick-and-marshmallow tower in her class.Sometimes I need to remind myself that they’re thriving, that I am doing enough, and that I