Ubisoft could've told you to get your ass to space, Assassin.
, a researcher for conspiracy theory and religion in digital media culture, recently published his research that came from speaking to multiple ex-creative director Alex Hutchinson, de Wildt learned the modern day storyline would’ve had a more epic end to the war between the present day incarnations of the Assassins and Templars.
Desmond, de Wildt wrote, would’ve defeated the evil corporation Abstergo by “using the combined knowledge and skills of all his ancestors, includingEzio.” And the 2012 doomsday storyline the games had been gradually building to would’ve seen Desmond and fellow Assassin Lucy be the new Adam and Eve on another planet. Asked by de Wildt where the two would go, Désilets eagerly replied: “Boum! It’s a freaking spaceship.