The close relationship between Russia and China comes at a cost to Beijing. Despite their 'strategic cooperation', China's economy and geopolitical strategy could be negatively impacted by its association with Moscow. DW's matvhein explores in detail:
and Russia share a border more than 4,000 kilometers long. Their economies complement one another, with energy and raw materials going into China, and industrial products moving from China to Russia. Both are ruled by authoritarian regimes that take pride in their tales of historical greatness. And both countries are united in their rivalry with the US.
The Chinese-Russian joint statement also talked about universal values, human rights, peace, equality and justice.Beijing is engaged in a tricky balancing act. On one hand, China is emphasizing the territorial integrity of all states, as it usually does. On the other, it says that Russia's legitimate security concerns about NATO expanding eastwards are"legitimate.
Andrew Small, an expert on China at the German Marshall Fund, told DW that this has consequences for how China is seen by the rest of the world."They know they're being seen as culpable for this. They know that they're starting to be treated essentially as part of a continuum of threat with Russia." As part of its colonial expansion in the 19th century, Russia had taken over much territory to the east, including Chinese-dominated areas. In 1969, China was still complaining it had been forced to give up 1.5 million square kilometers of its own terrain thanks to unjust treaties. That's an area three times the size of France.
In the end, Chinese-Russian relations are like all relations between nation states: They are based on expediency and self-interest, not sympathy or affection.
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