Today we’re sharing an inside look at Kandi Gallaty’s The Bible in a Year—a yearlong guided Scripture reading journey from Genesis through Revelation.
that he became so pleased to share his life with others: “We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.” That is something that we also need to be willing to do. I’m not talking about a very surface level life or only the happy times that we see on social media. I’m talking about the nitty gritty, the real stuff.
As a leader, I’ve led these groups for so many years, and I’m not asking anybody in the group to do anything that I’m not willing to do myself. I’m trying to be just as open, honest, and transparent with my group as they are with me. That is a process where that unit really works together. You’re a group doing so many fun things together, but you also will be doing some serious things together, too.
Community and accountability are key in the lives of disciples. It is truly what helps us continue to grow and be lifelong learners, because we won’t do those things if we’re left to our own devices. We’re only going to do those things if somebody loves us enough to hold us accountable—and that’s what accountability is. Somebody loves you and they want you to be successful, to grow spiritually and grow in depth with the Lord and with the Spirit. Don’t be afraid of accountability.
Sharing your testimony is a great way to begin to let people in. It’s also very therapeutic and reflective for you to go back and process what the Lord has done in your life. Then to openly share that knowledge with the ladies you’re journeying with is a life-changing and bonding experience. After sharing, you also receive so much encouragement from the ladies when you find out what God has done in their lives, and it’s likely completely different than what God has done in your life.
You share your lives all throughout the year and everything that you do—whether it’s journal discussion, Scripture memory, sharing your testimonies, meeting weekly, praying together—all of these things will be multiplied and enhanced because you’re doing it together as a small group. Don’t only restrict yourself to the things that you do every single week when you meet. Be creative. Travel together. Go out to dinner together. Celebrate birthdays together. These are your friends.