While training in northern Wisconsin this past weekend, musher Ryan Redington's sled dog team was struck by an approaching snowmachiner, leaving one dog with a broken leg and another injured as well.
“Accidents happen, but first I thought, ‘okay, this person didn’t stop to help,’” Quince Mountain, a fellow Iditarod musher, Wisconsin resident and friend of Redington said over the phone.“My understanding is that the snowmachiner then slowed down, or stopped, turned around and looked back, and then just zoomed off,” Mountain said.
Redington’s 3-year-old wheel dog, Wildfire, who ran the 2021 Iditarod trail to a seventh-place finish, broke his leg in three places, while Willy, a part of the 2021 Kobuk440 championship team, suffered lacerations and a bruised foreleg, according to theAccording to the recounting of the incident told by the training partner and by Mountain, Redington and his team were wearing head lamps and reflective gear.
“The irony here, the terrible, sick irony, is all the work that Ryan’s grandfather, Joe Redington Sr., did to make a place for these sled dogs ... He was a man with a lot of ideas and totally willing to share the trail across multiple sports,” Mountain added. “And I know, I try to remind myself, and I’ve heard Ryan say it publicly, that this doesn’t reflect on, you know, other snowmachiners, but I certainly hope that they help find ...