After the 'Tinder Swindler' and load shedding, Checkers' Sixty60 takes on the petrol price
There are fears that the already record-high petrol price could reach R40/litre.The app has previously referenced Netflix’s “Tinder Swindler” and load shedding in a similar fashion.The marketing people at supermarket chain Checkers' Sixty60 online delivery service are not ones to miss a beat.
They tapped into the hype of Netflix’s breakthrough documentary “The Tinder Swindler”, which was then followed by them taking on the country once againThis time they are taking on the sky-high petrol price, which could drive up the local fuel price to as high as To reflect the strain on the wallet high fuel prices bring, Checkers' Sixty60 has housed several products under categories under “Petrol Blues”.
Under Petrol Blues, there are subheadings, like “We have cut the prices, not the quality”, “Cheaper than a litre of petrol…”, “Buy bulk and save”, “Pap tyre?”, “No road trip needed…”, “No oil, no problem”, “Clean it before you call Webuycars…” and “Ease the pain”.Under this heading, Checkers shamelessly lists its low-cost house brands, such as its long-life milk and pineapple rings. This is one of the cleverer headings.