Christianity is the world's most persecuted faith, according to a survey by a watchdog organization.
which rates countries on their levels of persecution of and discrimination against people of faith, said Christianity is the world's most persecuted faith, with more than 360 million believers at risk from radical Hindus or Muslims. Of that group, 312 million Christians suffer"extreme" levels of persecution, which is 1 in 7 Christians worldwide.
A woman in India reads a religious text. The nation is No. 10 on Open Doors USA's World Watch List of the top countries in terms of religious persecution.The survey period, which was from November 2020 to September 2021, rated countries on private, family, community, church and national freedoms, along with a violence index.
At issue is how China has blanketed the country with surveillance cameras monitored by artificial intelligence—i.e., facial recognition—to monitor those who enter houses of worship.Asked by a reporter why China didn't have a higher score, he said the violence is muted—for now.