Xolela Masebeni and his wife Athembile Mpani, who are applying for bail, allegedly defrauded the bank of R103m
The bail application of Xolela Masebeni and his wile Athembile Mpani has been postponed until Wednesday.The couple accused of defrauding Absa of R103m spent nearly R200,000 in a single day at Louis Vuitton and Gucci stores in Johannesburg.
On Monday the state called investigating officer Capt Oscar Molahlehile Mopeli to explain why bail was being opposed. He also testified that an account belonging to an unspecified individual received about R15m, while R59m was deposited into that person’s company bank account.“We still have to unmask the identities of the holders of those bank accounts,” he said, adding that on the day Masebeni was arrested he handed over an Absa laptop that had been wiped clean.
The 30-year-old said he owned three vehicles, including a 2019 Land Rover Discovery worth R500,000 and a Volvo D3. Mopeli said the woman accompanied police and Absa officials to another house in the same street that she said the couple was renting.