If you suffer from gymtimidation, here are the home workout products you need.
With over 150,000 reviews on Amazon, the Fitbit is a must have to scurry that gym fear of yours away. Track your steps, REM cycle, and heart rate, plus keep up to date with your time and stats.Functional and necessary, these leggings are high-rise, form-fitting but stretchy, and come with three pockets. You can choose from over 30 colors and patterns and will definitely want more than one.Dumbbells are a great tool for at-home workouts.
Side Tip: Some people have replaced their desk chairs with an exercise ball to help correct posture and ease back pain.Infuse water with lemon, cucumber, mint, and more for a refreshing upgrade. This water bottle with a time marker will help you keep track of your daily water intake.Sneakers are an absolute must when working out. These sneakers are perfect for all seasons and can be used for athletic training, running, dancing, or a casual stroll.