It's so weird seeing Loki and Scarlet Witch as a couple!
Newmarket Releasing / ©Newmarket Releasing/Courtesy Everett CollectionYou know Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow and Steve Rogers/Captain America., they play Annie Braddock, aka"Nanny," and her love interest Hayden, aka"Harvard Hottie."Scarlett has also been in a movie with Benedict Cumberbatch, aka Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange.
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / © Marvel Studios / Courtesy Everett Collection / / Via Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures /Courtesy Everett Collection, they play Mary Boleyn and William Carey, the husband she cheats on with King Henry VIII.Additionally, Scarlett shared the screen with Bradley Cooper, who's part of the MCU as the voice of Rocket Raccoon.
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / © Marvel Studios / Courtesy Everett Collection / Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / courtesy Everett CollectionNew Line Cinema / ©New Line Cinema/Courtesy Everett Collectioncostar Zoe Saldaña, who plays Gamora.