We all thought we were the first ones to mismatch our socks.
"I still don’t like using straws, but I used to tell people I was actually afraid of them.""I would buy vintage scarves at thrift stores and wear them as headbands tied in a giant bow on top of my bed. I also always wore this necklace that was made out of a wooden doll because it was ~quirky~. I also wore obnoxiously colored tights with dresses or shorts with combat boots.
""I wore a different fun, colorful Band-Aid on my finger every day, even though I didn’t need one. I also often braided embroidery floss into one strand of my hair.""I called people 'darling' for a good year or two, pretended I loved the Beatles, carried a parasol, and refused to watch movies made after 1965."And finally,"I didn’t blink. I just, didn’t blink.