'12 Red Flags to Look Out For to Avoid Getting Scammed on Facebook Marketplace' by ProPublica cybersecurity scam
Even though Facebook Marketplace is backed by the power of the social networking giant, buying and selling items through the service can still carry the same risks as making purchases on other peer-to-peer platforms or through the classified ads of the local newspaper.
Online marketplaces are fertile ground for identity theft, and Facebook Marketplace is no exception, with scam artists quietly taking over legitimate user accounts to add authenticity to their cons. The Seller Refuses to Engage With You Over Facebook Messenger or Directs You to Another Website to Make the Purchase.
Whatever the method, the goal is to quickly shunt buyers away from Marketplace and onto a platform where there are fewer risks of being caught or called out by Facebook users.The Seller’s Email Address Has Been Cited in Other Instances of Fraud